Lucretia X. Machina
Vox / Lyrics / Melodies


Once upon a time, adorned in black and white attire at one of this hostess' many infamous Samhain (Halloween) house parties, I bore a silver poison ring inherited to me by my mother. (Why my mother would own and give me such a ring remains a mystery.) An admiring guest instantly proclaimed me "Lucretia" after the legendary Renaissance matriarch of the Borgia clan. A patroness of the arts, Lucretia Borgia (aka Lucrezia) was accused--amongst other things--of murdering her enemies "black widow" style in her bed (via foxglove digitalis poison powder) from such a ring. Baring the name of a defamed victim/victimizer like a scarlet letter, the name Lucretia stuck to me like black duct tape and has fueled the music of this woman scorned and has since served as a siren of warning. As for the "X. Machina," well, she's in and out of the machine...that's all I can say. Join me and the Daggers as we entreat you to revel in our dark lyrical electro-rock...for the apocalypse.

Laurie Anderson, Fiona Apple, Alice in Chains, The B-52's, Bauhaus, Depeche Mode, The Dresden Dolls, Einsturzende Neubauten, Faith No More, Machines of Loving Grace, Ministry, Peter Murphy, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Shriekback, The Sisters of Mercy, The The, Throwing Muses, U2, XTC, Yes, disco, new wave, darkwave, gothic rock, industrial, ethereal, Blake, Milton, Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot.